Category Archives: Intro


Africa has seen its fair share of growth over the years and now we are beginning to see the effects with infrastructure, financial institutions and small business being the biggest beneficiaries. The ‘Dark’ continent is slowly turning the corner and a light is beginning to shine. An analysis by The Economist finds that over the ten years to 2010, six of the world’s ten fastest-growing economies were in sub-Saharan Africa. Over the next five years Africa is likely to take the lead. In other words, the average African economy will outpace its Asian counterpart. The frontier market will soon be the emerging market.

In Kenya, for example recent events have seen private equity funds compete fiercely in search of value. Commercial banks are seeing phenomenal growth and fears of a real estate bubble are abound. The stock market is slowly growing but investors just as in other countries in the continent feel that they are held ransom by political events and structures. Yet value is being created and growth is being achieved.

How is all this being done & how can it be made better? Join the conversation, tell me your stories ………..Cheers!